Our articles related to Thaqalayn and Khalifatayn

Here is our collection of articles on the deception and misinterpretation of traditions like Thaqalayn and Khalifatayn along with their refutations.



1. Explanation Of Hadith Ath-Thaqalayn(general view)(simple and reasonable explanation a must read for every truthseeker)

2. Part 1: Shia Interpretation of Hadith Thaqalayn Under Microscope(contains an OPEN CHALLENGE to shias)

3.Part 2: Shia Interpretation of Hadith Thaqalayn Under Microscope

4. Part 3: Shia Interpretation of Hadith Thaqalayn Under Microscope

5. Part 4: Shia Interpretation of Hadith Thaqalayn Under Microscope[Like the Qadiyanis even the shias are deniers of seal of Prophethood]

6. Deception of shian-e-dajjal by categorizing the Ahlebayt of prophets(pbut)[contains thought provoking questions]



1 . Hadeeth Khalifatayn

2. Part 1: Interpretation of Hadeeth Khalifatayn by RELIGIOUS DECEIVERS under Microscope

3. Part 2: Interpretation of Hadeeth Khalifatayn by RELIGIOUS DECEIVERS under Microscope{exposes the absurdities in Shia beliefs that Fatima(ra) is not included in Ahlebayt for hadeeth Thaqalayn}

4.Part 3: Interpretation of Hadeeth Khalifatayn by RELIGIOUS DECEIVERS under Microscope

5. Part 4: Interpretation of Hadeeth Khalifatayn by RELIGIOUS DECEIVERS under Microscope{covers explanation on hadeeth e Ghadeer and Hadeeth e Wilayah}

6. Part 5: Interpretation of Hadeeth Khalifatayn by RELIGIOUS DECEIVERS under Microscope{Covers explanation on hadeeth Manzila AND CONTAINS A DECISIVE FACT FROM HISTORY}

7. Part 6: Interpretation of Hadeeth Khalifatayn by RELIGIOUS DECEIVERS under Microscope

8. Part 7: Interpretation of Hadeeth Khalifatayn by RELIGIOUS DECEIVERS under Microscope

2 thoughts on “Our articles related to Thaqalayn and Khalifatayn

  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!!!!!! This means alot to me! I know shias who are be trying to convert me but i am unable to win in arguments as there are limited resourses on the internet and i know little about them whilst they have tonnes of resources. May Allah reward you; jazakallah Khayr.

    • Salamalaikum, All praises are for Allah alone. We would like to thank Allah for choosing us to protect the faith of our muslim brother from the deceptions and misguidance of Shias. And we recommend you to go through our articles thoroughly. Though they are long but they are very beneficial and informative,(inshallah). So if Allah will you could guide them to the straight path, and to the saved sect(Ahlesunnah wal Jama’ah)

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